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Standard Submissions
CDX Memo - CCC Bulletin from 11/27/2023

CDX's planned changes following the CCC's guidance document

Analysis Requests

Standard Submissions
Analysys Request Form (ARF)

The Analysis Request Form is for your general sample testing requests. This is in Excel format.

Special Submissions
Analysis Request Form - Virus / Viroids

This version of the Analysis Request form is for submitting whole Cannabis leafs for Viruses and Viroids testing. We are currently testing for three Virus/Viroids;  1) Hop Latent Viroid (HLV). 2) Lettuce Chlorosis Virus (LCV)  3) Cannabis Cryptic Virus (CCV).   For detailed instructions, please contact lab operations.

Age Verification


I am at least 21 years of age


I am NOT 21 years or older
